“Time Flies”

“Time Flies”

Heeding Haiku With Chèvrefeuille, January 13th 2016

Write a haibun inspired on the proverb “time flies if you have fun”. And (of course) I have a few restrictions to it. Here they are:

1. start with a haiku and end with a haiku
2. try to place your haibun (and the haiku) in one of the four seasons, you may choose the season yourself
3. your haibun may have a maximum of 250 words, including the haiku


mid summer’s day
children shout and play
laughter ringing

“Time flies when you are having fun.” My memories take me back to my youth and outdoor play with the neighbors.  Summer fun included baseball and badminton, moss pots in the creak, hide and seek and tag, as well as playing in the hose.. Then suddenly I am transported to a different time, that of my own children’s childhood. Playing follow the leader, lawn croquet, reading on the porch swing and taking walks. The summers pass by so quickly. I look in the mirror and see grey hair. Yet summer ever lingers and now it is my grandchildren running across the yard, still playing croquet and catching lightening bugs.  As the light fades,  I sit on the porch swing listening to the last sounds of summer and the creaking swing.

at summer’s end
past and present mingle
time gone to soon


2 thoughts on ““Time Flies”

  1. You handle the restrictions of this prompt very well. I enjoyed what you wrote. The fun of childhood and the memory of it are quite wonderful, I agree.

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