Memory Lane

Memory Lane

Carpe Diem Tokubetsudesu #80: Memory Lane: Utabukuro (or poem bag)
Challenge is to share a favorite haiku poem and the reason why

I chose a piece by  Shuson Kato (1905-1993).  I found this piece a bit amusing and a reminder of how we should live our daily life.  An ant might not be that noble of a creature and then again it might, but to just kill for the sake of killing may be the real question.  The fact that we act a certain way in a small situation can have greater ramifications to our character in larger matters.  Also we never know who is watching, who we may cause to stumble on their journey through life, or who we may lead astray.  Without further comment here is the delightful poem by Shuson Kato  that has many layers of implication.

I kill an ant
and realize my three children
have been watching.

© Shuson Kato


second step – write a poem in a similar style – my attempts  ( Not to happy so I may have to try again another day.)

catching a spider
and seeing my daughter’s face
I free him outdoors


no heart for killing
raccoon lives in the chimney
year after year




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